About Us

Tony Pereira-Legal Director Owner

The Adams & Ross business is owned by lawyer Tony Pereira.

You know you’re in safe hands when dealing with Adams & Ross Lawyers. Our Legal Practice director Tony Pereira has provided professional services to business proprietors, entrepreneurs, Local Government Authorities and private clients for more than 25 years, including over 20 years as owner of his own legal firm. Businesses that have benefited from Tony’s professional services range from small consultancies through to large companies listed on the Australian stock exchange.
Experience counts.
The firm’s lawyers are highly experienced, seasoned practitioners, each having over 25 years’ experience in the profession. Our lawyers also have business interests in ventures outside the law. This helps us appreciate the practicalities of operating a business venture in today’s highly competitive environment.

Any junior lawyer, or online information hub, can recite the law. Apart from telling you what the law says, we can offer advice and recommendations to help solve real world problems in a meaningful way.

Because we only practice in select areas of the law, you have the confidence of knowing we have our fingers on the pulse of changes in those chosen areas.


Adams & Ross is located at Level 6, 269 Wickham Street, Fortitude Valley in Queensland Australia.

There is ample parking available in close proximity to our office.

We are also available to conduct Skype meetings online.

Our contact details are:
T. (07) 3333 2920
F.  (07) 3118 5010
E.  info@adamsross.com.au
M.  0432 230 490 (Tony Pereira)
Postal address: PO Box 101, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006

To learn more about our business, or discuss your legal requirements, please phone Tony Pereira on (07) 3333 2920 for a confidential discussion.